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There's multiple ways to make your own backyard bee sanctuary, so be creative! The basics you'll need are:

  • Colorful flowers that are native to your area

    • Don't introduce invasive species! For more information, check out the PDF below for plants that are specific to your region of the United States.

  • A flowerpot to plant the flowers in

    • This is optional; you can plant them in a garden, but if you use a pot, then don't forget to move the flowers once they outgrow the pot!

  • A shallow dish with sugar water for the bees to drink​​

    • This part is where you can let your creativity shine! I created a 3D model of a bee feeder for 3D printers (link to download below)​, but you can use any kind of small dish, as long as you provide something for the bees to stand on while they drink, such as small rocks. Also, don't provide too much water, as it could attract animals.

Make Your Own: About Us


This is the PDF mentioned above. Special thanks to the Xerces Society for creating these resources!


This is the 3D model mentioned above. If you use it, or if you create your own bee sanctuary, be sure to send a picture through the Contact page!

Make Your Own: Features
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